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    February 09, 2010


    just as long as the honeymoon doesn't die on the honeymoon itself. gettin' married in 11 days, so... here's to hopin'

    Wes Bell

    Great quote.

    Tally Wilgis

    This realization leads to Christian maturity.


    man, after 20+ years, I still feel like both my marriage & relationship w/ Christ is on the honeymoon! so thankful!

    but, yeah, I get the quote and agree.

    Chris Courtney

    What a fantastic quote! I think one of the ultimate statements of faith is to be able to honestly proclaim, when the honeymoon is over and we face adversity, that circumstances really don't matter (good or bad), because GOD is in control and HE is what is important. That's very easy to say, however. Putting it into practice consistantly is another matter altogether. Thanks for sharing, Scott!

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