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    « UNLEASH 2010 | Main | Congrats....Catalyst ONE DAY winners! »

    January 26, 2010


    Dru Fess

    favorite movie of the year from 2009 would have to be... hmm.. I'm going to go with INVICTUS..

    Jeremy Scheller

    tix. thx. tgx. tfx. tex. tdx. tcx. tbx. tax.

    Jason Petermann

    Twitter name: jasonpetermann

    I need the ticket because I just lost my job at my church and I was gonna have to go stand on the corner with a sign that said "Will preach for Catalyst One-Day tickets"

    That is not joke, I did lose my job, so I guess it is not to creative. Oh, and my fav movie in '09 was Star Trek

    Jesse Santoyo

    Jesse Santoyo
    favorite movie of 2009...I guess it would have to be "Avatar"...

    Joe Walters

    Twitter name joew4God
    Favorite movie of 2009 would have to be Inglorius @#§©Ωµ∂§, sorry about the cussing!


    Twitter name is @dougleddon. Up was a great movie.

    Jay Sauser

    jay_sauser (Jay Sauser) the fat little kid off of "Up" had me laughing pretty good this year. And I can't wait for Lost to start up next week!


    Just retweeted the Catalyst One Day free tix giveaway!! Movies...schmoovies, I can't wait for Catalyst!!! @clashpoint

    Bryan willmert

    @bryanwillmert and the Hangover


    Myself and the rest of the spiritual leadership team (elders) at my church have been talking and praying about flying up for Catalyst One Day as a team. Sounds like it would be worth the time and $ investment.

    josh singleton

    twitter joshsingleton1
    favorite movie...hmm, well not Julie and about righteous kill? just saw it this year.


    I'm not sure if I saw any movies from 2009, except for "UP". Kinda sad to say that being as I am a video producer...


    My favorite movie that I've watched recently (gotta love Netflix) is not from 2009, but it's "Henry Poole Is Here".

    Dwayne Sayre

    "ELI" awesome movie

    Evan Courtney


    Inglourious B

    (If I type the rest of it out, our filter at the office will catch it and block this site. lol)

    Jason Allen

    @jkallen twitter name

    Favorite Movie Avatar 3D this was a cinema experience! Not a movie.


    @mundanemusings RT'd.

    Favorite movie of 2009 - Defiance



    Funny Joke:
    A young woman teacher with obvious liberal tendencies explains to her class of small children that she is an atheist. She asks her class if they are atheists too. Not really knowing what atheism is but wanting to be like their teacher, their hands explode into the air like fleshy fireworks.

    There is, however, one exception. A beautiful girl named Lucy has not gone along with the crowd. The teacher asks her why she has decided to be different.

    "Because I'm not an atheist."

    Then, asks the teacher, "What are you?"

    "I'm a Christian."

    The teacher is a little perturbed now, her face slightly red. She asks Lucy why she is a Christian.

    "Well, I was brought up knowing and loving Jesus. My mom is a Christian, and my dad is a Christian, so I am a Christian."

    The teacher is now angry. "That's no reason," she says loudly. "What if your mom was a moron, and your dad was a moron. What would you be then?"

    She paused, and smiled. "Then," says Lucy, "I'd be an atheist."


    Favorite Movie of 2009 was Angels & Demons. I'm lame and have yet to see Avatar... lame

    Chris Meirose - I'm in!

    Nick Pickett

    Twitter name: @nickpickett

    Movie/something creative - The Hangover made me laugh harder than any movie I have seen in a long time....but given the situation, and reward, I am just going to compliment you on your ability to effectively incorporate the word "suckwad" into your daily twitter log.

    Ronnie Rasmussen


    Favorite movie of 2009 was UP.



    Favorite movie of 2009: I Love You, Man

    Curtis Templeton


    I'm in the business of getting a free ticket to Catalyst...
    ... and business is boomin'!

    Bruce Cole

    @bruce_a_cole Fav movie of 2009 (released in December): Avatar. Still, after all these years, Barney Rubble is my favorite actor.

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