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    October 20, 2009



    Excited to be back in Chicagoland for such a great week... look forward to touching base next week at Cultivate/ Story/ Orchard!

    hey scott, thanks for the note. i had a great time at story, you guys did a great job (both in MC'ing and in hosting the workshops).

    commenting on this post, because i see you are delving into the artist space, with the Art Initiative. fantastic opportunity to reconnect the artist with the church.

    wondering how you allow the artist to wrestle with truth, even if it produces a sometimes profane response? do you embrace the expression or do you guys draw a line between sacred and profane and ask the artists not to cross?

    Logo Design

    Thanks for the post.

    Mark - Business Logo

    It's really good to know about the workshop for which people are participating from different fields.

    Sam - Custom Logo Design

    I like the title of your post "I'm calling it shocktober" after reading this post. I agree it's really shocktober.

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