I’ve gotta be honest... I am blown away at the caliber of people God has surrounded my life with. I'm serious. The leaders, pastors, entrepreneurs, creatives, artists, etc... who I've had the opportunity to get to know and become friends with over the years is something that I am so grateful for!
One of those people is a very new friend of mine by the name of Dave Gibbons. Dave is....umm...let's see. Well let me just paste in what Zondervan says about him:
Last weekend I had the opportunity to meet and spend some time with Dave while at The Idea Camp in
Irvine, CA. In fact, not only did I have the
privilege of spending some time learning from Dave, but
SOMEHOW......I also found myself sitting between him and Eugene Cho during a Leadership Q&A
session at Idea Camp! That was quite an honor... (even though he made me eat this.)
SO ANYWAY....with all that said, there’s two things I want to tell you about:
DAVE'S BOOK. The Monkey and the Fish. I read a lot of books, but seldom do I read one twice. I'm already half way through my second reading...
It’s hard to describe how much I have found myself resonating with Dave’s heart through his book. Plus, watching how God is using him, not just in SoCal, but also in places like Bangkok, India, London, Mexico City, and multiple other cities, is stretching and challenging me in some unbelievable ways. (You can read about my visit to NewSong Bangkok here.)
THE VIDEO. The other thing I want you to know about is this video interview recorded last weekend by Eugune Cho (who you also need to get to know...).
On a side note, Dave will be speaking at this year’s Leadership Summit at Willowcreek.
Lastly, here’s some linkage.
Dave’s Blog
Dave’s Twitter
NewSong Church
Buy the Book
Get to know Dave Gibbons folks.