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    September 23, 2008


    Ed Stetzer

    Very hurt.

    Very very hurt.


    Steve McCoy

    Don't mind Ed. He is hurt every time his blog isn't mentioned, and that's a lot. :)

    Pete Wilson

    Thanks Scott. You're a daily read for me. I'm learning a lot from you these days. Hope we get the chance to meet soon.


    When I want to stretch my brain, I visit

    I went to high school with Andy, and he's up to some pretty cool "world impact" stuff.

    It is a very academic read, but I enjoy it.

    Jon Acuff

    Brad Lomenick is indeed awesome.

    We're trying to break the world's largest side hug record this year at Catalyst. You should come get in the group photo. Based on lunch in Oklahoma City, I gotta believe you're a big fan of those.

    kathryn (Great stuff for children's ministry)

    and... :) Only the greatest guy on the planet.

    Mike Ellis, Church For Men Florida

    I really dislike the Church for Men Florida Blog. The guy who is behind it is an expert at sinning. He needs a blow up altar so that he can ask for forgiveness every five feet.


    Jon Acuff gave you a shout out on his blog today, which is why I ended up here. His blog, is pretty amazing.

    Jenni Catron

    Great list, Scott. Hope we get a chance to say "hi" at Catalyst!

    Ted Egly

    Great list!

    I would also add Ben Arment...

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