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    August 25, 2008


    Nick Poole

    Awesome service this weekend Scott! And it was great meeting you Saturday night!!


    This is interesting, thanks.

    Paul Stewart

    Man Scott, you guys have been super busy. We'll keep praying for you and your family. btw - love the "becoming" series! two words: open source.


    Glad to see God working through you and your church. I can relate to the business of having a death (or two) in a short time span, + the everyday work getting ready for Sundays. But it is amazing the grace you can find in those moments. Sounds like you and your church found that grace.

    Jenni Catron

    Love the pictures to get an idea of what your services are like. Sounds like a great series!


    Scott, I live in southeastern Ind., so I am only able to listen to your podcasts. It was cool to see the paintings that I heard about from the sermon. I'm really enjoying the series. Thanks.


    hey scott, i've been reading your blog from afar for a while now. i have painted during worship services before and wanted to know if the paintings were created throughout the entire service, or only during worship?

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