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    May 18, 2007


    anne jackson

    that is truly amazing. your wife has to be the best mom ever and i bet a ton of other women internally sighed and the guilt they had for thinking that disappeared through her transparency. sweet.

    edith Zepeda

    Ok I was ministering to our young pre schoolers on Sunday so I missed the confession. So glad you shared it here! I gave a really big exhale when I heard Amanda. I too have had that same feeling. Actually alot more now that Gabe has learned the fine Art of sassing back. Gabe truly was a blessing to me and the reason my life changed for the better. However there are days when I feel the same way! God Bless Amanda.

    Stephanie Gulland

    This is AWESOME!!! I agree with the other comments. I think I heard the sigh of relief and the guilt being washed away as Amanda shared. :-) I haven't had a chance to listen to the entire talk, but the short video was VERY COOL!

    Lots of love to you and your family from the Gullands!!!

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