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    May 18, 2007


    Paul W. Swansen

    Been having lots of disconnect issues with iChat recently.


    This might be a port issue. Try going into iChat prferences an click on "Accounts" in the preference window. Then, click on server settings tab. You will need to be disconnected when doing this next part. Change the port from what ever it is set to to 80. Then try it again. This is how I get around a lot of firewalls with AIM and iChat. Hackers of the world unite! =) Sorry, I watched Hackers (the movie) recently.


    I loved Hackers...Pirates of Silicon Valley on Gates and Jobs too.

    Of course, I'm sitting at my Dell playing with Excel...

    anne jackson

    yeah, it is a firewall issue it seems like t-mobile hot spots have (i have noticed @ airports, etc.) -- although i am not a hacker so i just sigh and resolve that my life can continue without iChat (and several other other programs that are web-interactive that are not connected directly through a browser).

    Chris Baker

    I can't afford the wireless at Starbucks (I don't go there often enough to enjoy/justify it either) so I'm not quite sure or have not experienced the problem. But like David suggested...try a different port #. That should work good for you.


    i have a solution...find a real coffee shop!!! you're getting ripped off having to pay for wifi, and starbucks has a corporate policy to burn espresso. find a local joint with free wifi and enjoy.


    hey scott...i have had that problem too, but i have found that when i use adium (an alternate chat client) it works much more consistently

    - matt


    I have trouble connecting to wifi anywhere. My house, school, starbucks, panera, etc. Any ideas?

    I don't have a laptop either, so if anywone can help out that would be great.

    Larry Boatright

    dang, Scott. I've gotten so used to telling my friends when they have computer problems that "they should get a mac instead" that I want to say "you should've gotten a mac". DANG IT!! I've conditioned myself to that response, so I don't know how to help. I think I'm about to short-circuit. Self destruct.

    I'd try changing your port. OR go to Panera. They have decent latte's and FREE WIFI :)

    Flaviu Pop

    you're not going to see Scott leave Starbucks - ever! i have a gut feel that even if they quit offering wifi, Scott will still be found there. he'll figure a way to get online - using his Treo blue tooth idea!!! LOL!
    sorry, Scott. can't help you man. haven't tried the iChat in sbux yet.

    connor Mccullough

    never had a prob at starbucks, but that coz i dont use internet there, coz its not free, lol, but very rarely can i get ichat AV to work...

    Erika Bock

    i just love that i know what ichat is now! how did i live this long with out a mac! its like He said let there be light. there was light. let there be amazing. and there was a mac =p

    brian Ayers

    I too have found that Adium works at Starbucks. I like Adium better than iChat, but now that I have a MacBook I am bummed that it doesnt support my iSight... hopefully the next update will do something about this.

    phil crissman

    Haven't tried it at Starbucks, but I second the recommendation for Adium. Great app; I use it for dual AIM accounts, a Google Talk account, and, um, way too many IM accounts, basically.

    Josh Butcher

    What works for me is using my gmail (jabber) account. Lets me A/V chat as well as IM. See < > (as of May 25, 2007) for detailed instructions on how to set it up. Be sure to remove the space in that link - for whatever reason, typepad wouldn't show all of the link without that space.

    ryan stone

    Try adium. it's far superior to iChat...and can look better. Plus you'll be more of a Mac dork like the rest of us. :)

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