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    « Easter at The Orchard - Saturday Night | Main | IM Message of the Day »

    April 08, 2007


    Stephanie Gulland

    AWESOME article!! Maybe we can come to the egg drop next year!!! :-) It sounds like it was a well attended event. Enjoy the day off tomorrow and relax with your family.

    Thank you for ministering to the lost and hurting people. Also, thank you for the ministry that you and Amanda have provided in mine and Ed's lives.

    We are so thankful to God for the gifts that are in you guys. As well as the gifts that you have been to us! We love and appreciate you!

    Anthony c

    man! what a day! that was awesome, but sorry i couldn't get the eggs being dropped from the helicopter..the service was awesome today, you guys did great!

    Ben Hammond

    Hey, the easter egg drop was great... a bit cold... but it is obvious that the kids had a lot of fun.

    Oh, and here's where my blog moved to that you asked for last Sunday.

    Lori Michaels

    Sorry, dude, somebody one upped you. Keep it up, feelgood preacher. Next year you better give away the helicopter to keep up with the Perrys & the Furticks.

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