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March 06, 2006


Kent Shaffer

Interesting post, Scott.

A recent artcile from ClickZ mentioned a study that showed emails are most likely to be read on Fridays.


I wonder how many other pastors find it difficult to read emails at the end of the week because of sermon preparation? We already know that the lives of Pastors are quite different from Average Joe's, but just how different are they? It definitely makes one consider how much pastors differ from the statiscal majority.


Amen, amen, amen to #5. When will people learn that you can't communicate anything sensitive by email? It only adds to the misunderstanding, offense or hurt feelings!!!


thanks Scott for your emailing tips.

D. Brian Smith

nice blog... are you hip to 43 Folders? It's a good place to read about productivity... check this out...

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